Our Top Human Resource Articles for 2019

As we close out the year, we'd like to bring you the top ten most read ChapmanCG articles and thought leadership pieces for 2019. The team at ChapmanCG meet and partner with HR leaders from all over the world, gathering insights on HR trends, innovations and best practices. Our team collect and write about the most exciting HR information. Here are the ten most read insights from 2019.

From Surviving to Thriving: the Evolution of Workplace Mental Health

As the societal and financial costs of mental health issues increase globally, forward-thinking HR leaders are spearheading new initiatives to improve mental health in their workplaces. These programs are seeking to not only tackle poor mental health, but also to promote positive mental well-being and an improved life experience for their employees. Read more >

The Role of HR as a Business Enabler of Digital Transformation

An animated group of senior Regional and Global HR Leaders joined ChapmanCG for an engaging roundtable session at Orange in Paris to discuss HR’s role as a business enabler of digital transformation with international HR Leaders across a variety of industries. Orange was the perfect host to kickstart this discussion, given that in 2011 their CEO hired a Head of HR rather than a Chief Digital Officer to lead their digital transformation – thereby effectively highlighting the focus was more about people rather than purely on technology. Read more >

Employer Branding and Employee Value Proposition

Organisations need to be consistently attracting, empowering, inspiring and retaining talent, and also competing for talent by differentiating the employee experience. A critical foundation of driving this differentiation is employer branding. Read more >

HR Culture Vultures in New York City

We recently concluded a successful HR networking series in NYC. Our topic for discussion across three sessions was organisational culture change. Input from organisations around the table was interesting and varied. Read more >

Performance Reviews Are Not Dead

In this thought-provoking piece, Fiona Jury looks at contemporary alternatives to measuring genuine success, and true workplace contribution when the traditional performance review falls short. Read more >

Succession Planning as a Retention and Performance Management Tool

Succession plans protect a business from disruption, and also let top talent know it’s worth staying for a real shot at the top spots. Read more on using succession planning as a tool. Read more >

How to Make Work More Human: With a Nod from Sir Richard Branson

Innovative HR leaders are paving the way for a more human future of work. The 100% Experiments Collection showcases examples of the latest creative thinking in this space. Read more >

How to Embrace Agile Working in a Large MNC

To effectively embrace agile working, organisations need to re-wire their culture through a combination of top-down leadership vision and bottom-up organic change, according to HR leaders. Piloting initiatives in certain business units or functions is often the most viable starting point during an agile transformation. HR leaders shared their challenges and approaches to embracing agile working at a recent ChapmanCG roundtable hosted by PepsiCo in Reading, UK. Read more >

Five Key HR Trends for 2019

HR is continuing to mirror the rapid evolution of business, with a growing pace of change and new technology trends and social issues rising to the forefront of the HR landscape. These are some of the key trends our consultants have been observing that will continue to evolve for HR leaders in 2019. As we come to an end to 2019, read more to see what trends did come to light in 2019, as they are most likely trending now and will continue to trend into 2020. Read more >